March 2008 Trip– A Success!!!
On March 5th 2008, a group of 11 short term missionaries set off to Empalme de Boaco, Nicaragua. Our group was divided into two mission teams; a medical/dental team and a children ministry team.
The medical/dental team was able to have 3 clinics in which 512 patients were evaluated and treated for a variety of medical and dental problems. The people of El Empalme de Boaco for the first time had access to a dentist. All children received preventative dental care through the application of fluoride dental varnish. All people over the age of 2yrs were given antiparasitic medication and multivitamins. The clinic was a success!!!
The children ministry team was able to run a Vacation Bible School that hosted approximately 150 children. The children spent time doing crafts such as decorating their own t-shirt; singing, listening to puppet stories and playing. The VBS ended with a fiesta party with pinatas filled with sweets for all the children. The children can’t wait for us to come back.
Our next mission trip will be in September. Get ready to pack your bags and join our team! You can send an e-mail to if you are interested.