Peds Doing Good Deeds Contest
Beatriz E. Juncadella has been nominated, and is currently a finalist for the PEDS DOING GOOD DEEDS contest by Parenting magazine.
The contest is to recognize the pediatrician you think is making the biggest impact in their community and the world at large.
The winner will receive $5,000 to their charity in their name.
We are asking for your votes so our clinic in Nicaragua can receive this money.
Please go to
and scroll down and select the nominee (hopefully Dr. Bea:)
then scroll down the page to vote (you have to type the two words before voting).
You can vote as many times as you would like and the voting is opened until Jan. 31st. Please vote daily as many times as you can.
I have verified that this is permissible. It is actually encouraged.
Thank you!
Quiero pedirles un gran favor. Por favor ir al website
Si gano, $5,000 seran donados a la Luz de Cristo Ministries. Pueden votar las veces que quieran. No hay limite. Y necesito que voten
todos los dias hasta Enero 31, 2012. Gracias por su ayuda,